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Schneeschild, Schneefräse oder Kehrmaschine - was ist das richtige Gerät für den Winterdienst

Winter service: machine use in snow and ice

Clearing roads and spreading salt - tractors in action for winter service.

While tractors are often in use almost around the clock during the spring and summer months, things are very different in winter. However, instead of leaving the machines unused in winter, more and more farmers and contractors are deciding to take on winter services for local authorities or private individuals. The advantages are obvious: winter service is a profitable and reliable source of income during the otherwise often barren winter months. But which machines are suitable for use in snow and ice?

Machines for winter service

A farmer or contractor does not need much to offer winter services: a tractor with sufficient power and a snow blade are sufficient in many regions. However, a sweeper, snow blower or solid spreader can also be used if necessary. A fixed cab with heating is particularly important for winter service - only then can the driver endure longer winter operations. Depending on the area of application, the size of the tractor must also be taken into account: Large, powerful tractors are a good choice for main roads. However, if you also want to clear cycle paths, driveways or private property, it is better to opt for a small, maneuverable model.

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